For foundries SIDUS provodes a wide range of services:

  • Design, construction, assembling and starting-up of new foundry plants
  • Design, construction, assembling and starting-up of high-performance machines and systems for green sand foundries
  • Design, construction, assembling and starting-up of complete high-performance plants for sand preparation and single machines for green sand foundry
  • Design, construction, assembling and starting-up of high-performance complete foundry lines and stand alone machines for green sand foundry
  • Maintenance and assistance (scheduled or on demand) to existing plants on site with mechanical, hydraulic/pneumatic and electric/electronic expertise
  • Inspection of plant parts, entire machines or their parts, hydraulic cylinders
  • Remote or onsite software/hardware assistance and supply of electrical/electronic spare parts
  • Supply of spare parts to existing machines: in case the original drawings are not available, all necessary measurements can be taken onsite by SIDUS technicians
  • Complete supply of machines and/or equipment according to the needs of the customer
  • Providing engineering services directly onsite to study new technological solutions requested by the customer
  • Efficient consulting services thanks to the remarkable experience in the field of SIDUS staff
  • During the agreed period SIDUS provides a warranty service that ensures the supply of spare parts, parts of machines and lines. More detailed information about warranty terms can be found in the business proposal to the customer.

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